Do you agree about new 7 wonders of the world?
Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World - Friend, what do you think about the new 7 wonders of The World ? are you know about Komodo Island? if you from Indonesian, I think you absolute know about Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World. The island archipelago is well-deserved pride into the 7 wonders of the world. This magical island is located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands.
Actually it what's on Komodo island so the island is obliged to enter in the new 7 Wonders of the world? from its name, we can guess what will be directly availableon the island. The island is known as a habitat for native or native village where dragons live animal. Therefore, this island is named Komodo island. Komodo Islandis a National Park managed by the Central Government. The island is located to the west of Sumbawa Island, separated by Sape Strait.
So, why the island of Komodo dragons are the new seven wonders of the world?
On the island of Komodo we can go see a giant lizard with a long reach 3 metersand weighing hundreds of pounds by name: dragons. In the natural habitat of Komodo in Indonesia alone just life you know. So, it is feasible if the UNESCO crowned Komodo Island as a World Heritage Site in 1986.
What should we do?
Let us support the island of Komodo as a new seven wonders of the world by following the SEO competition held by Winners are determined based on rankings in the search engine with the keyword "Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World".
now it's time, I and are doing it. What about you? Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World.
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Mantab bro, semoga sukses..
BalasHapusMudah2an KOMODO bisa menjadi wakil Indonesia selanjutnya, menggantikan Candi Borobudur yg sudah di-DO (drop out) dari daftar 7 keajaiban dunia. Amin!
BalasHapusKomodo cuma ada di satu pulau di dunia hanya di Indonesia.
BalasHapusSaya bangga jadi anak Indonesia.
Ayo dukung Indonesia biar dunia makin mengakuinnya
BalasHapusMantaps nih gan...
BalasHapusdaftarnya kmana sihh???
tetep dukungan pulau komodo untk indonesia (seven wonders of the wordl)
BalasHapusmuaaantap gan..., artikelnya menarik buanget!
BalasHapuswah tetap dukung pulau komodo :)
BalasHapussemangat sob...sundul terus...moga bisa menjadi yang terbaik
BalasHapusayo kita berburu link sobat, para master sudah punya ribuan link kayaknya, mari salam kenal dari newbie
BalasHapusSelamat berburu link bro, pantang menyerah, sikat kontesnya..
BalasHapusselamat gan sundul trus mbah google kejarserpno wahid ya
BalasHapussukses lowh
mantep gan masuk 5 besar.. salam sukses
BalasHapuslanjutkan perjuangan...
mantap gan.. uda masuk peringkat 2....
BalasHapustancap gas... sikat kontesnya.. :)
dismaping komodonya..perairan dan pulau2 disekitar pulau komodo juga betul2 luar biasa... so.. mau tunggu apa lagi..!!
BalasHapuskomodo..komodooo ^^p sukses yaaa!!!!
BalasHapusindahnya alam indonesia :)
BalasHapusmantab gan.,.,. moga juara gan.,.,
BalasHapusmantap gan........
BalasHapusThe Komodo island is the home of the ancient Komodo therefore it deserved to be included in the new 7 wonders.
BalasHapusI have followed your blog on Google Friend Connect
(No:85), please follow back.
Posisinya sudah mantap bos, selamat ya
BalasHapusi wish komodo will be new 7 wonders of world.
BalasHapussalut .... posisinya sdh tak tersaingi ... ;-)) bravo pren ...
BalasHapuswow...kayaknya ini calon juara....
BalasHapushaiiii.... kamu dapet award dari aku... buka di sini ...
BalasHapussaya salut..!
mohon bimbinggannya... ^____^
BalasHapusartikelnya kreen..
mantaap.. salam dari komodo ^___^
manata gan sundul terus
BalasHapus@to all komentator Komodo Island is the new 7 wonders on my blog, terima kasih atas kunjungan anda.. trima kasih atas support dan ucapannya..
BalasHapustapi sayang, sepertinya artikel saya ini masuk sandbox karena ulah peserta lain yang menduplikat konten saya :(
sunduuuuuuuull....kang dudi masih paling atas gaan...hehehe...semoga sukses
BalasHapusKomodo is a remarkable gift of nature .. hopefully forever keep awake
BalasHapusmantab gan....sukses buat blog nya
BalasHapusmantap bro. Komodo cuma ada di Indonesia
BalasHapussemoga jadi noor satu
mampir juga yah bro
jangan lupa baca artikel terbaru dari saya.
BalasHapusmasih ada artikel menarik lainnya tentang mobil terbaik
BalasHapusharus curi ilmu seo nya ni biar bisa ikut kontes seo lainnua
BalasHapusberani juga tu cewek...
BalasHapussemoga komodo menjadi salah satu pemenangnya
BalasHapusDukung dengan ketik KOMODO kirim ke 9818
BalasHapusnumpang nyundul kang...
BalasHapusBeauty of Komodo Island, Flores Island Of Indonesia